Ads-Chain - This is a technology specially developed by our blockchain and marketing specialists that combines the most important features of cryptocurrencies with the possibility of operating them in marketing ads.
For over 3 years our team has been working on increasing the flow of funds between the client-advertising-platform in order to reduce the required time of posting funds as well as increase security and financial transparency.
After a lot of work, Ads-Chain technology was created, thanks to which all the previously assumed goals were fulfilled.
For example, when a highly anticipated movie premiere is coming up, the time to post the funds is very important, with standard posting times of up to 14 days for international transfers.
By using Ads-Chain technology, this time is reduced to 60 minutes.
Other advantages of using cryptocurrencies and Ads-Chain technology:
Full transparency (publicly available history of transfers to and from the wallet)
Technology based on stablecoins - no risk of loss on price differences, stablecoin is based on one of the main world currencies i.e. EUR / USD / CHF
Individual currency wallet
Security features i.e. encryption, password, fingerprint

Ask your assistant about Ads-Chain technology and get a higher level of security today.